Statement of Purpose 

Engage Support provides care and support to young people over the age of 16 and adults who have a diagnosis of autism, a learning disability, or a developmental impairment including personal care (where appropriate). 
Our services are focused on the provision of care for people who would struggle to get appropriate support from mainstream services and require additional specialist support. 
Engage Support has a primary care philosophy to maximize life opportunities for people with a developmental impairment and Autism whilst managing risk within a community model. 
Our support teams are broadly structured in to core teams who provide comprehensive support to young people and adults over the age of 16 and a small specialist outreach team whose role is to work with people age 16+ focused on maintaining people in their family home or preventing re-admission to 24 hour care. 

Our Services 

Our Services 

The Domiciliary care team provides specialist care and support to people with a developmental impairment, learning disability or has a diagnosis of autism. 
Any Location 
We can provide support in a variety of environments to suit the persons needs. 
24/7 Flexibility 
We can provide several hours of support per week or a comprehensive 24 hour support package. 
Additional Support 
We have access to an internal behavioural specialist and a close working relationship with external clinical support. 
Fully Certified 
We work within relevant Children's & Adult legislation, adhering to The Health & Social Care Act 2008. 

Criteria for accessing this service: 

That the person must be at risk of harming themselves, other people OR without specialist support they are likely to do so. 
OR There is risk of the person being unable to engage or maintain community presence due to behaviours that make it difficult for the person to remain in their own or family home. 

Support objectives 

We will work alongside people, their families, carers, friends and advocates to provide a person-centered package to meet individual’s needs. 
This will include promoting independence, rights and choice, health and well-being whilst ensuring inclusion in their community. We support people to maximise their life opportunities and our risk management approach is to manage risk within this philosophy. The Agency aims to: 
Offer skilled care to enable people supported by us to achieve their optimum state of health and well-being. 
Treat all people supported by us and all people who work for Engage Support with respect at all times. 
Uphold the human and citizenship rights of all who work and visit Engage Support and of all Service Users. 
Support individual choice and personal decision-making as the right of all Service Users. Respect and encourage the right of independence of all Service Users. 
Recognise the individual uniqueness of Service Users, staff and visitors, and treat them with dignity and respect at all times. 
Respect individual requirement for privacy at all times and treat all information relating to individuals in a confidential manner. 
Recognise the individual need for personal fulfilment and offer individualised programs of meaningful activity to satisfy that need of Service Users and staff. 

CQC Reports 

Engage Support Limited CQC overall rating: Requires Improvement 
Published 9 November 2023 

ASDAN College 

ASDAN College The goal is to engage our supported people through relevant and motivating courses to achieve meaningful learning outcomes, which elevate them to go and empower them to take control of their lives. We do this by enlisting our supported people onto courses that are accessible and person centred with the aim to promote skills and independence. Our supported people with the help of their support staff can enjoy learning from huge variety of skills and modules from Arts and Crafts, Music all the way towards Maths and English. There are no limits to what they can learn and achieve. 

Restraint Reduction Network  The Restraint Reduction Network has a set of ethical training standards that protect and support human rights and support the minimisation of restrictive practices. The standards have strong focus on the best interest of the individuals Supported by the staff and therapeutic approaches to supporting people when they are distressed. The standard focuses on improving the quality of life of those being restrained and the staff / others supporting them. it has a Strong PBS focus and reduce reliance on restrictive practices by promoting a positive culture and practice that focuses on prevention de-escalation and reflective practice. Increases understanding of the root causes of behaviour and recognition that many behaviours are the result of distress due to unmet needs.